Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Exciting things--

Exciting things......

*finding a Sunday school class where we feel like we already belong
*feeling at peace about our church home
*planning for our Disney World trip
*snow on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom
*getting a reservation for the Sci-Fi Dine In
*having only one more day of school after we return from our vacation
*having a husband who's more in tune to my heart now than ever in our marriage before
*my birthday coming up is more exciting these days than dreadful
*traveling to see Mama and Daddy-- even for a short visit
*finding a new game to play online-- my happy place :0)
*new friends..... old friends.... and ones like me who prefer a child-like heart :0)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Following the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit and me.... well, we're connected. He tends to wake me up in the night for me to pray for people and He brings me to my knees clear out of the blue in the middle of the day. I thought He spoke to everyone that way--- but, apparently He doesn't. Maybe it's just discernment??? I don't know. But, what I do know is that that relationship with my Lord is just as real as I'm sitting here sharing this with you.

We've been searching for a church home again. It was a walk of obedience for me because I was very much in love with our other church home and my heart was very content teaching 4 year old's about Jesus. My sweet husband, though, was feeling a longing in his heart for more and so our journey began. I left my little ones.... the desire of my heart.... to follow my husband and I'm so thankful that I did. I don't take heart pulls by the Holy Spirit lightly at all. I tend to take them more seriously than most--- which is maybe why I remain sensitive to His nudges and His direction. Through this time I've watched Tony grow closer to the Lord and I've watched his love for the Savior grow and deepen. What a gift it has been to follow his lead. It's something I had prayed for for over 12 years....

So, now our journey had lead us back around full circle to GBC where Tony first met the Lord. He fell in love with Him there. They're without a pastor right now because of some of the same issues that actually took us away from there just over three years ago. Since they don't have a head pastor right now they've lined up guest speakers from now through Christmas and this was a perfect opportunity for us to come and be filled with teaching, see old friends, observe the body of the church and see where their hearts are now, and to kind of test the waters of GBC again, honestly.

Yesterday was the first day of a Revival there at the church. They're calling it "Echo". Ken Freeman is speaking 4 nights this week. We went yesterday morning and again last night. We experienced the Lord's Supper like never before. It lasted almost 2 hours and was an incredibly moving time. The church, the body, was (mostly) in full worship mode. Tony and I watched as Ken called all of the deacons and church leaders to the front to kneel and pray. Then, the most amazing thing-- he asked the YOUTH to come, lay hands on them, and pray for them ALOUD. Talk about the Lord moving in a place.... wow. What a blessing it was to see that happen. I watched some of those men in their 60's, 70's, and 80's get up wiping their eyes.... Praise God!

As I was leaving the service my heart got one of those pulls from the Spirit and I'm sure now that He's leading us back to GBC. We're supposed to be a part of the youth leadership in some way..... something I never suspected. I've always cherished teaching the little ones-- I call them my "favorite". But, now.... there's no doubt that this body of youth at GBC is needing and searching for adult leaders to come along side of them and to build this church back to where it was more than 3 years ago. I wanted to be sitting with them last night-- THEY had hands raised high and tears flowing in worship. THEY are the ones who fasted before the Revival this week. THEY are the ones that their particular age group fills an entire floor section of the sanctuary. And, THEY are the ones who need adults and families to come along side them and say, "Yes-- what your heart is telling you is right and I'm here with you all the way."

I can honestly say that obedience to the King is all that I want in my life and through all of those years of prayers He proved faithful to me. The blessings abound. Pray for us that our hearts remain sensitive to the Spirit. Pray that we will find the specific place that God wants us to serve. Our hearts long only for Him and the Kingdom. Praise Him. He is worthy!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Treasure Shopping on Trash Day--

Well, I just hit a jackpot. :0) I love trash days..... lol. I know, I'm an oddball, but it's just the coolest thing ever to drive by and see a chair or a piece of furniture, or a pile of "stuff" that looks like it would be fun to dig through.

Today's loot:
*Ralph Lauren twin size dust ruffle (might keep it and cut it up to re-size for my bed)
*a twin size wicker headboard
*short wire fencing with smooth edges to go around the lower section of our fence in
the back yard to keep my crazy dogs home
*2 nice wooden bed rails
*4 huge wrapped pieces of foam core (I'll just in a kitchen project I had in mind already)
*2 shoe racks (JUST shopped for these last weekend-- around $18 each)
*pre-lit Christmas star for outside (made out of brown grapevine wreath stuff)
*2 window grill thingys-- one of them in a really pretty diamond design (tudor house)

Loot from other trips in weeks and years past......
*chest of drawers (9 drawers)
*ball and claw foot coffee table with HEAVY beveled glass top
*copper and iron planter box (stand) for outside
*HUGE English pine side board with shelving
*English pine bookshelf
*2 TV armoirs (wood)
*upholstered swivel rocker
*full-sized leather couch with recliners on each end
*Tony found a dryer for our laundry room :0)

That's all I can think of right now off the top of my head. I hate missing trash day...... lol. There's nothing more fun than finding free "treasure" on the side of the road!